Thursday, April 4, 2013

What Colour Is Your Bedroom?

Colour The Culture

Colour has a significant influence to both- your senses and intercourse. Different colours can create different memories, different thoughts and ideas. It is extremely important to create a relaxing atmosphere in your bedroom so you could feel cosy and comfortable. This can be also done by using specific colours and tones. It’s been quite a while since psychologists started studying psychological aspects of colours and their influence for humans’ lives and emotions.
This varies so much in different cultures. Say red is said to be an aggressive and active colour in western countries. However in China it in contrary has a meaning of calm and tranquillity. There also are countries where red can mean passion or density.

Colour Your Individuality

It is absolutely clear that the meaning of colour is a very individual issue. You want to decorate your bedroom with the colour that is just right for you, so you should look for colour that is very close and intimate for you personally as in your bedroom you should feel chilled out and relaxed.

Here is how you should do that. Take a colour wheel and look into all of its colours and tones. Try to think about each colour and try to sense your own feelings regarding that colour.  Is this a pleasant feeling? Or maybe it makes you feel sad? Does it bring a smile to your face or maybe it is so tranquil that you start feeling sleepy?

If you have now found out how does one or the other colour influence you, would you like to know what psychologists say about different effects of the different colours?

By the way do not fear to disagree. It is very natural, that you feel the other way round.  However those are the guidelines that help you to understand the common ways how people feel about colours and you can use them when trying to create an interior that would be appreciated by many (if you need that of course).

Painting The Bedroom ?

Two colours of the extreme are black and white. Black can easily draw attention and create a dark, even hot atmosphere. Unfortunately this colour does optically decrease the size of the room and it might become rather risky to use it. See you can easily overuse which might bring melancholy, sadness or even depression into your sleeping environment (which may eventually start causing bad dreams).

The completely opposite colour is white. However it may lack inspiration and be slightly cold in some ways. Most of the bedrooms have white walls however it is not always the best solution as it can suppress passion (passion is usually desirable in bedroom).
They are soft gentle and cosy, often being related to family and one’s roots they can bring back great memories. This makes them perfect for bedroom interior. It can create a warm and intimate feeling. So called earth colours are all tones of brown.

Orange is very optimistic and joyful. However it can link to food as well and provoke night moseys to the fridge which naturally leads to emotional overeating.

Yellow can also create a positive mood however only for a short period of time. You may even end up feeling annoyed at the presence of yellow wall.

Blues and Greens
would easily connect you to the tranquillity and peace as they are the symbols of water and nature.Allowing blues and greens to dominate in your bedroom would allow you to calm down, fall asleep faster.

Pink colour is particularly happy and cheerful. Not many people could act aggressively in the presence of this colour.  Purple is also very suitable for a bedroom interior as it creates a very delicate and even luxurious atmosphere.

Red is basically evocative so if you struggle to fall asleep it is better not to choose red for your bedroom interior. If you still want to use it then do this simply for your sheets and covers (but not walls) as bed linen can easily be changed.
Various combinations of the colours above would cause even more different feelings, however the main and the most important idea here is to get to know yourself first and find out what feelings and emotions does one or the other colour bring in to your heart.